
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What We Do Monday Night

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we set aside a day every week usually Monday for Family Home Evening
A time where we talk and teach gospel topics and study the scriptures.
Even though sometimes it can be hard to do it every Sunday or Monday we still do our best to make it happen!
Hailey especially Loves Family Home Evening - A LOT! 
I'm really glad she likes it so much, and i try to make leaning about the gospel fun and interesting for her since her attention span can be - well sometimes small.
We are in no way perfect when it comes to FHE some weeks are better than others
but we try to include
Opening Prayer
and a Treat
I have good memories of FHE growing up so i hope to instill some good memories for Hailey as well as gospel learning!
This last Monday we learned/read about the creation, actually Hailey read it to us from her Old Testament book - she has become a very good reader!
She never ceases to amaze me.

After reading about the creation, i found a fun creation craft via pinterest and thought it would be fun to do!
I'm not going to post a tutorial for this because it's pretty self explanatory!

There's some serious crafting going on at this table!
(Another plus was that i already had all the supplies i needed)

It took us 2 days to finish all 7 days of creation crafts but i love how they turned out!
(We may or may not be hanging these up somewhere.)

The day of rest was her favorite to make!
What are some ways you teach gospel stories?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I'm Back!

Ok, it's been awhile since I've blogged, also going to throw out there that this post is probably going to be jumbled!
But it's time to jump back into the blogging world.
I think I've been a little overwhelmed because there is SO much to blog about i don't know where to start! 
And there is SO many pictures i don't know what to post!
So for now I'll just start with the biggest news of all.
And for those loyal readers out there you already know what that is!

I finally popped.
Seriously this pregnancy felt like it  FLEW by! 
The last week was probably the longest but one week is not bad!
I am happy to not be pregnant anymore because i just felt like i couldn't function and i missed doing the things i normally would do, ALSO this summer has been especially hot, so i feel for all the pregnant momma's  out there!

Sooo back to popping, it happened!
And this little angel joined our family the day right after her big sister's birthday!

Say hello to ....
Aubrey Claire 
Born on:
June 15th 2015
9lb 1oz
19 and 3/4 inches
And we are loving every bit of her!

I'm not wanting to go into every detail of her birth story on this blog, but will give you the nutshell version.

Woke up at 4:00am on June 15th and couldn't get back to sleep so i just layed in bed and watched netflix for about an hour and at 5am seriously it was 5am  my water broke so i called the hospital and they told me to come down 

When i got there they got me checked in and hooked up and then the waiting game began.

 There was a lot of tv
and they even let me eat breakfast!

By 1pm i hadn't progressed much so they started me on pitocin, they gave me literally the smallest amount you can have, but it really kicked my contractions up a notch!
By 2pm i was dilated to a 6 and the contractions were pretty intense so i got an epidural - Oh sweet relief! 
Thank heaven for epidurals!

Around 6:50 they had me start pushing - pushed for 30 minutes and sweet baby Aubrey was born!

That first night is always a long night of not much sleep,nursing and just trying to recover!
But we made it!
We also had some Awesome nurses!

The next day Hailey came to see her little sister.
She was SO excited to meet Aubrey, and excited is an understatement for this girl!

First kiss from big sister!

Seriously Hailey is the best big sister!
I couldn't ask for a better big sister for Aubrey!
She is so helpful and she just loves her little sister to pieces 
(even before she was born)
 I can't tell you how fun it is to watch her with baby sis.

She especially LOVES to pick out clothes for little sis from socks to mittens to onesies and once and awhile she'll sneak in a little "dress up" time!

Ahh, these two i know will be best friends someday!

Being home with two, has been an adjustment Aubrey is completely different than Hailey was as a baby! 
Honestly can't imagine life without her!
Happy 5 weeks baby girl!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Time For A Party

This year we decided to have a party for Hailey.
It actually was her first birthday party because every other year we have either been sick on her birthday or moving.
So this party was a long time coming.
Hailey really wanted to incorporate puppies into her party.
So we did what we could with what we had.
The only sad thing was that my camera decided to stop working halfway through the party so i don't have nearly all the pictures i wanted :(

The beautiful birthday girl!

 Table set up.

Once all the kids got there they played until the pizza came and then we ate
lots and lots of food
chex mix
no kid went hungry i can assure you that!

After eating the kids played out back on the play structure, and bubbles were also a big hit!

We had planned to do pin the tail on the puppy 
but there wasn't enough time, i really like how it turned out though.

After playing outside the kids came in and got to "adopt a puppy"
Kind of hard to see from the picture but they all got to choose a 
decorate for the bed for there dog 
and then they got a 
dog blanket
and dog tag for there dog
as well a dog adoption certificate.
It was for sure a BIG Hit!

This is where the pictures stop because of my camera being a flake.
But after adopting puppies we had cake, Hailey opened presents and we did a pinata!
Really wish i had pictures of all that!

Birthday Part 2

These are just a couple from her actual birthday on June 14th
It was a Sunday so it was very small celebration because we'd already had a party.
For breakfast i made her pancakes
We went to church and she was so excited when she got to go up during primary so they could sing happy birthday to her.
When we got back from church we made cupcakes
tried to stay cool in the heat and later in the even we went outside and played.
She was also got to open some presents from mom and dad,aunts and grandma and grandpa.

One year older.

One of her favorites was the Spirograph from grandma and grandpa.
She's made some pretty cool pictures for the walls :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

20 Questions With The Birthday Girl

So much catching up to do!
First of all this little lady turned 6
I love this picture because it really represents 
She is so full of energy and is always running around doing something
she really likes to stay busy.
She is such a great little helper.
Always has something to say.
Loves to learn.
And is always up to try new things.
I could go on and on!
I love her SO much!