
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 29

Today's Last Photo is:

"Something your listening to"

Here's what i've been listening to all day...the good old gas heater. Thanks for those of you who linked up with me especially Natalie from and Janet from 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 28

Today's Photo is:

I'm not sure why my pictures turn out with a blue hue- anyways here's my money....well some of my laundry money.I can't wait to have my own washer and dryer back someday and not have to pay to clean my clothes.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 27

Today's Photo is:
"Something you ate"

I don't care what anybody says...these are some of the most delicious pretzels EVER!  When we lived in southern California last year these did not exist in any was pretty sad! But since we moved I'm so happy to have this snack back.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 26

Today's Photo is:


Here is Seattle at night i really want to go to that space needle sometime! (I did not take this picture)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 25

First off i have to say I'm really sad that Google Friend Connect is going to no longer exist as of March 1st (that's what I've been hearing) I know that 375 friends is not a lot but it's going to be sad to see that disappear in a blink of an eye. I'd love if any of you out there who read my blog would still follow me on Linky Follwer over on the right hand side of my blog, or follow me through e-mail. Let me know how you follow and I'll follow you back!

Today's Photo is:

Here's some green in a puff quilt i made last year, love to make puff quilts!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 24

Today's Photo is: 

"Inside you bathroom cabinet"

Can't say i'm proud - but it is what it is.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lace Leggings

These have got to be the some of the cutest leggings I've seen, and i found them while i was on Pinterest and i couldn't stop thinking about them. There was NO way i was going to pay $19+shipping for these cute things, so you know me, i just made my own how hard can it be? I've made Hailey leggings before just not out of lace.
Found Here

Here is my version

I Chose some lace with little dots on it.

Took a pair of Hailey's stretch pants  lined them up on the fold of the fabric and cut, do this twice so you have two pieces. I referenced THIS tutorial,since it's been awhile since I've made pants/leggings.

When you open up the pieces they should look like this

With right sides together pin from the waistline down to the curve (as shown) and then sew. After i did that i also sewed the waistline as well, leaving an opening for the elastic.

After i did that i turned the leggings right side out and decorated the way i wanted.

Then i turned them right sides together again, pinned and sewed.

Then i inserted the elastic and once i got it all the way through i sewed the ends of the elastic together and sewed the waistline opening closed.

Cuteness? I'd say YES!

It was fun to take pictures of these because they turned out so well, and Hailey was more than willing to give me some poses because she loves to wear what i make her!

Photo Challenge Day 23

Today's photo is:

Hailey loves to wear my shoes, but what toddler doesn't like to wear big shoes? I'm liking flats right now since my 10 year old tennis shoes are about done now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

DIY Ruffle Tank Top

So this was orignally supposed to be the bottom skirt portion of a dress i was making Hailey, but then i decided not to make it. As i was looking at it wondering what i could make with it i came up with a perfect idea (for 2 different things) here is the first idea.I started by cutting off 2 layers of ruffles from the skirt below.

I had a tank top that was getting small in size for hailey so i grabbed that and put the end of the tank top and the top of the ruffles right sides together, pinned it and sewed.

And this is what i got!

Add a little poodle

And here i have Hailey's new favorite "princess" outfit

I love easy projects.

Have Fun

Photo Challenge Day 22

Today's photo is:
"Where you Work"

Well, at the moment i don't "go" to work my work is at home as a mommy to Hailey, i'm sure i'll be back in the workforce one day but right now i get to enjoy watching this little munchkin grow up.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lace & Pearl Headband

For some reason I have not been feeling very crafty lately, it feels like I've just run out of inspiration or something. Well i knew i had to get out of this 'craft slump' so to say. And came up with this little beauty. What do you think?

Here's how i made it. I used some lace i had on hand

 And glued it around and around to make this little lace flower and then put a button in the middle to make it a little cuter.

Then i measured stretchy lace the size i needed it for my daughter's head and just hot glued the ends together.

Next i cut out some pieces of felt and glued some pearl beads onto it....yes, yes i know the shapes are not exactly the same but it didn't bother me it's in no way a "perfect" project.

After i finished that i cut out rectangle shape piece of felt and glue my bead 'creations' to the end of it.

And then glued the flower in the middle

I then took the lace headband i made and glued it down,making sure to glue the seams down so they wouldn't show.

Next i cut out another rectangle piece of felt and slapped  glued it on top of the lace,and trimmed the corners.

There you have it!

As always there are SO many possibilities when you make headbands but this cost me $0 because i used what i had laying around.

Stuffing chocolate in her always a great model for mommy.

Have Fun!

Photo Challenge Day 21

Today's Photo is:

"A Favorite Picture of You"

 I chose a photo from my wedding day not only because it was a VERY happy and special day for me, but also because I'm surrounded by so many people i love! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 20

Today's photo is:


Here is my lovely handwriting...and in case your wondering how I boil eggs.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 19

Today's photo is:

"Something you hate to do"

When we decided to move to Washington, we agreed that we would only take with us what we could fit in our our car (a Kia Optima) and then put the rest in storage till we know a job is going to work out here. This included our washer and dryer being put in our storage unit as well. There is nothing i hate more than not having a washer and dryer! Hopefully something will work out here and i can have them back really soon!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 18

Today's Photo is:


I'm not proud to say this but Nesquik has been a staple in our house least until shawn and hailey get tired of it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 17

Today's Photo is:


Cureent time 7:18am i was up and hour ago,which is a little early i don't think my daughter is going to get used to this time zone - ever.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 16

Today's photo is:

"Something New"

My Birthday was last week and this is the "something new" i got from my sister, can't wait to try out some new yummy recipes!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

This pretty much sums up our Valentine's Day this year (plus potty training) we kept really busy all day, hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

Photo Challenge Day 15

Today's Photo is:


Here's what i use at the moment, what i like the most about it is it flips open so you have and extra screen if the one on the front goes out, if that makes any sense. Besides that it has given me enough troubles as well.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 14

Today's Photo is 


Just a little valentine in the works...who knew a toddler could have so much fun making valentines?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 13

Today's photo is:

" Blue"

Building blocks are a favorite toy around here!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Imagine Childrens Museum

Ever since i had Hailey i hoped that someday we could live by a big museum just for kids. Well when we moved to Washington i got Really lucky! I CAN'T rave enough about this museum i love it! We live a short probably 5 minutes from the Imagine Children's Museum and it is the most awesome hands on children's museum EVER (at least in my opinion) It's huge and Hailey is just the right age and could spend hours in there!  
(These are just a few of the highlights)

The music room was pretty awesome and Hailey loved the "giant" piano you walked on to play.

I know this one looks kind of boring but it was really neat, you touched the colors on this long table for different instruments sounds.

 Another room had a lot of tables set up and each table had different tops on them - she eventually got the hang of how to spin them.

Next she became a little construction worker

Had fun playing in the Tree house

We moved on and she became a vet for a few short moments

I'm not sure but i think that's a cat or a raccoon she's got there

After that we moved onto the cafe

Where she made me an interesting meal

This room was pretty awesome they had a dark room and there was this big screen that recorded your movement,since it was dark that room also had walls that had glow pens so that you could write or draw on the wall and then it would disappear (I'm not really sure how that worked but it was pretty awesome!) Hailey really enjoyed all the "glow" rooms!

 Another room was the "ferry" room that had a lot of water activities

Pretty nice setup!

Well sadly i hardly touched the surface on that museum there was so much more! I couldn't take pictures of everything but i hope that if we stay around this area to get a year pass,because for us it never gets old! 

If you happen to live around this area you can check out a lot of what they have on there website: there is better pictures on there than what i could take!

Have Fun!