
Sunday, February 15, 2015

22 Weeks

It's 22 week time.
I was just about to head to the gym, i try to make it at least 2-3 times a week.
But you know how it goes, sometimes i make it sometimes i don't.
But it's the effort that counts right?

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:   12lbs ?  13lbs?  i can never remember....
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? It looks like there coming :/ 
Sleep:  Sleep is a gamble, some nights good some nights bad.
Best moment this week: Well my birthday was this week, went out to eat, did some shopping, Shawn and Hailey decorated made me my favorite cake - over all it was a good day!
Miss Anything? Having more clothes to wear! lol I've outgrown all my clothes just about so i need to go out and find something else that fits - though i usually loathe shopping for clothes.
Movement: Yes! There are certain times of the day she'll jump around, at night and during the afternoon, is when I've noticed it the most.
Food cravings: Well i won't turn down guacamole and chips, or avocados in general....
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Just the normal
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: My back hurts more often because of the extra weight and i feel like i get tired more often.
Belly Button in or out? Out if it comes out anymore I'm in trouble.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Looking forward to: Re-arranging the room upstairs for baby

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gender Reveal

After finding out what we were having i was so excited to tell Hailey as soon as possible.
I used the idea of the box of balloons to let her know if she was getting a baby brother or sister.
I'm really not that crafty and i threw this together on short notice,but i had to document it for memory's sake.

Blue OR Pink
What Do You Think?

Well your about to find out!

Yay for Pink!
She's so excited to have a little sister!

 And since she'll find any excuse to have a party 
( i can't tell you how many stuffed animal parties I've been too!)
 of course we had to get a cake!

See you in June baby girl!


Weekly Update

It's 20 weeks people! 
I sure feel much bigger!

How Far Along:  In this picture I'm 20 Weeks (currently I'm 21 weeks)
Weight Gain/Loss: Gained probably 10-11lbs? last time i was at the Dr.'s they said i was right on track!
Maternity Clothes: no not yet but with the way I'm growing I'm going to need some real soon!
Sleep: Not to bad - i feel rested in the morning when i wake up despite tossing and turning half the night :/
Miss Anything: Jeans - i Need to get a pair that fits asap
Movement: Yes! The little lady has her moments of jumping around in there! I took Hailey to a trampoline place and it was pretty noisy and baby was doing all sorts of jumping around haha
Food Craving: The only thing that comes to mind is McDonald's sausage breakfast burritos and sausage cheese English muffin - i always hate to admit this one, because i have not eaten McDonald's in YEARS literally! I also still like a good bowl of cereal,for the past 3 days I've really wanted some grape-nut-flakes (childhood favorite) good thing grocery day is just around the corner.
Anything make you queasy/or sick: The thought of ground beef or ground meat of any kind still disgusts me! Also Panda Express YUCK! And Hamburgers, don't get me started!  Oh well, at least its only temporary and then i can start enjoying those food again.
Symptoms: Not really- i do feel like by the time 5pm rolls around I'm exhausted, and all i want to do is sit around - but that doesn't happen!
Happy or moody most of the time? Mixture.
Looking Forward To: Well my birthday is coming up-not that i have any big plans,except I'm going to make myself a rainbow chip cake.  
Valentines day is also around the corner and i  really want to do something fun for VDay for Hailey. Shawn is also taking some days off this month because he has SO much PTO so maybe we'll find something fun to do - but no current plans, most of the time we're the 'last minute planners'