
Monday, August 31, 2015

2 Months

Where has the time gone?
My baby is 2 months!
She has us all wrapped around her little finger!
And i can't imagine life without her!
She has the most kissable cheeks.
She has a smile that melts my heart.
She also loves to sit up on your lap or to sit on the couch (under supervision)
She is great at nursing.
She loves to sleep.
She loves to talk, (aka coo) I just lover hearing her little voice! 
It's so much fun to have little conversations with her.
 Hailey especially loves it and i know she will miss that once school starts.
She loves to watch her mobile.
She is one growing girl that's for sure!
 I never want to forget her little ' Buddah Belly' haha it's so stinkin cute!
She also is growing into 3-6 month clothes already!
And last but not least....Daddy tried to nickname her twinkie but i put a quick end to that!
For now your my 
little love bug
little lady
ok so maybe we haven't found a nickname

Thursday, August 27, 2015

One Month Old

One Month Old. 
A month ago, im a little slow getting this up.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Easiest Ice Cream Ever

You love bananas like we do!

All you  need is frozen Bananas
(I froze 4 bananas overnight)
And 1/4 cup of Almond Milk
(Or you could use whatever milk you have.)

Add frozen bananas to blender

Blend -  slowly adding milk

And after blending those 2 ingredients together you get this creamy deliciousness!

Add SPRINKLES because come on....who doesn't like sprinkles?!
You could also add chocolate sauce or strawberry sauce or fruit would taste good!
(and if id had any of the above on hand i would of tried them for sure!)
Anyways So many possibilities! This is on our list of treats to make again for sure!

Oh and lets not forget consuming!
And why not just eat it for breakfast?
Just for kicks and giggles.....

 Brain freeze!
Check out them baby blues!

Lets not forget baby sister, baby blues #2
....ahhhhhh......these two! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Summer......So Far

This summer has been full!
Besides having a baby which threw us into a whole new routine, we've been trying to stay as busy as possible!
But gosh by golly that smile on her face truly describes how much she LOVES her little sister!
We've done SO much this summer and i don't have pictures for everything but here's a few.......

This Summer
It's been  MUCH hotter than it was last year, so when it comes to pool time, ummm yes,there's a lot of it!
 No complaints here!

This Summer
We've had our share of eating out - Red Robin for the win!
 This Summer
Shaved ice has been a must and lots of Popsicles!

This Summer
She lost 2 teeth!

This Summer
With all the heat we've had our share of indoor days and we've played a lot of games,
Scarabble Jr
Guess Who,
Chutes and Ladders
you name it we've probably played it!

 This Summer
There have been a lot of fashion shows!
I love them!

This Summer
She started swim lessons again - and picked up right where she left off, kind of like she never stopped!

This Summer
She went to Princess Camp!
 Princess Tea Party + meeting Ariel and Snow White!

This Summer
She told us she just Had to do soccer!
(loving that little pose!)

Soccer is her favorite!

This Summer
We've had fun with friends 
BBQ's - and I love bbq's!
and more Swimming of course!

This Summer
It wasn't always easy but we made it to some of the craft classes at Michaels

This Summer
We've had our fill of crafts at home and i know we're not done either!

She got on a really big bracelet making kick!

This Summer 
She started gymnastics!
And let's just say it's been a great way for her to use all that non-stop energy she has.
Well besides
bike rides
spray parks
birthday parties
That has been our Summer......So Far!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Baby Blessing

My heart is so full!
Today was such a special day.
Shawn gave Aubrey such a beautiful blessing.
I'm so thankful for the gospel and a worthy husband!
 So thankful for my family I am beyond blessed to have them!

 (At this point she over having pictures taken! she just wanted to sleep poor baby!)

 Happy Baby!

Look at that beautiful dress!
Many thanks to my sister's neighbor who gave me this BEAUTIFUL dress for Aubrey and thanks Allison for sending it just in time! It made this day even more special and will be something I know Aubrey will treasure when she gets older!

I just LOVE this picture.