
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tutu Skirt

A few weeks ago i made my daughter this tutu skirt,I'm not going to lie, when i finished it i didn't like the way it looked and i wasn't going to post it, but it's kind of grown on me, maybe it's just because little miss Hailey wears it all the time!  I know that you can make the easier version of a tulle tutu, by just using tulle and elastic, but i wanted to have a different look than that. So here is what i came up with!

Here's what i used: 
-Pink tulle
-and ribbon

Who's excited for me to make this tutu skirt? HAILEY is!!!

I cut the size i wanted for the top portion which was 5"x18" then i made a casing for the elastic up at the top and then hemmed the bottom.

I cut the tulle 9" by the length of the fabric 

I then took one layer of the tulle and sewed some ribbon a 1/4" from the bottom

I then put all the tulle layers on top of each other and sewed a basting stitch all the way across the long end, and then gathered it to be the size of the top portion of the skirt.

Then i pinned the top portion over the top of the tulle and sewed it all the way across

Here you have it!

Next i threaded my elastic which was 19" long through the casing (the one i made earlier )using a safety pin,and then sewed down both edges of the elastic once I made it all the way through. Then I turned the skirt right sides together and finished sewing it together down the side.

And wa-la! there you have it! isn't it cute? is it growing on you yet?

She absolutely LOVES this tutu 'dress up' skirt she wears it EVERY day! might need to make a couple more!

Have Fun!

My entry into Craft and Tell @ Cherished Bliss is sponsored by Appliances Online and the Bosch Washing Machines


  1. cute! what fabric stores do you have near you??

    1. Joanns,hancock fabric, hobby lobby,pacific fabric...those are the only ones i know of close to me.

  2. Very cute! My daughters would love this. Pinning. :)

  3. My daughter wore tutus everyday at that age to. I think you need to go and make some more:)

  4. FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! The tutu is amazing!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!

  5. This is the sweetest little skirt (how could you not like it?!?) and your daughter is precious! Thanks for linking with Sugar & Spice. I wanted to also let you know I have a Skirt link up going now - and if you link up a skirt you can also enter to win a $50 credit to seven thirty three - - - custom blog design! Hope you stop by and link up!

  6. That's really cute! I think you did a great job!

  7. very very cute! My little 3 year old would love to have one just like it.

  8. I love it! It's just so cute, pink, and girly! I'd love for you to link it up to Crafty Cousins!

    ~Natalie @ Crafty Cousins

  9. Found you via The Train to Crazy - what a cute skirt! I've been looking at the tutus on Pinterest too, but I like the look of this one better!

  10. My 5 year old is so into frilly skirts right now! She'd loved this!

    Here's my FFA contribution:


  11. That is a very cute tutu! Found you thru the blog hop till you drop hop! Hope to see you at my blog soon!

  12. Cute! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

  13. She is adorable!

    Stopping by from the Friday hop to say hello. Have a great weekend!

  14. Totally adorable! Thanks for sharing at this week's link party.

  15. That is adorable!!! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation.

  16. This is SOOOOO cute; makes me wish my daughter was still little. I followed you over from Southern Lovely and would like to invite you to share this, and any other posts, on my link party at Have a great weekend.


  17. That is so lovely. Your beautiful daughter is so lucky!:) Each time I sew something for my daughter, she'd wear it to her sleep!:)

    Hopping by and following your FB, twitter and Pinterest.

    Also inviting you to join my Yoplait Giveaway which includes VIP coupon for a free 4-pack of Yoplait Trix yogurt for kids and Yoplait branded items including an insulated lunch tote, ice pack, backpack, folder, zippered pencil pouch, pencils, erasers, and pencil sharpener (great for your schooling kid!). You may join here:

    Hope to see ya there:)

  18. Very cute! and very cute model! I may have to make one of these for a little one I watch! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Super cute! And it looks pretty easy to make. I tried making a tutu once and it was disastrous. I'll give your tutorial a go though. Thanks so much for linking up at Etcetorize~

  20. She is so sweet! I love the tutu. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays!

  21. You are so talented :)

    Did you create a Hellocotton account? I would like to update the link you submitted to the Let's Have Fun - Blog Hop (Hellocotton themed week). Thanks :)

  22. adorable!!! I know a few girls who would love these!

  23. I love this! Thank you for sharing on Blog Stalking Thursday. You have been featured on this week's party so please stop by to grab a feature button and wear it proudly!

  24. What a cute skirt! My girls would love one. Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  25. really cute! i don't sew, so i've made a tutu (knotted tulle on a ribbon) but this one is beyond pretty. i'm sure that sweet little girl loves it!

  26. This is so adorable. I wish I had a little cutie like that still to dress up in a tutu. Sigh. I will have to wait for round two... grandchildren someday. :D
    Thanks for sharing on this week's BeColorful

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