
Monday, October 24, 2011

Tutorial: Make your own Bias Tape!

What a short weekend filled with many things to do, but even with how busy it gets i always seem to be able to squeeze in a little time for sewing, i also made time to go through my fabric stash and organize (who  knows how long that reorganization will last) anyways while i was going through my fabric stash i found alot of fabrics i forgot about.......and below is what i whipped up real quick from some "forgotten fabric" not bad? ...i think I'll need to add some ruffles somewhere....what do you think?

I don't know what it is but i just LOVE making clothes for my daughter!

Also while looking through the stash i came across a lot of  this fabric 
and the first thing that popped into my head was that i needed to make some bias tape! If you've never made bias tape before it is super easy -and in my opinion can save alot of money!

So here we go.... my version of how to make bias tape here's what you'll need.

A rectangle piece of fabric

First lay your fabric out 

Then fold one corner of the fabric up creating a triangle 

Cut the triangle and place it on the opposite end.

Place the fabric right sides together and sew to create a parallelogram.

It should look like this - if you want you could just cut a trapezoid shape out of fabric but i think this method is easier with less cleanup :)

 Next you will need to decide how thick you want your tape to be in the end, and then multiply it by 4 and this will help determine how wide your strips will be. I wanted to have it 1/2 inch in the end,so i made my strips 2 inches wide.

2 hours not really....but here is all the strips cut nice an pretty

When sewing the strips place right sides together,and then sew across where the 2 fabrics meet. 

Next unfold the strip,iron the seam and trim the excess threads and fabric, and then repeat until you have one long strip.

Next you will iron it in half to make a middle line unfold then fold up the edges to that line and iron again.Then you'll re-fold it again at the center line and iron - this makes your bias tape 4 layers thick.  

I love homemade bias tape! And i know i will be making alot more in the future!

 Here i used it - say hello to reversible bib,this is one side

Here's the other side! 

There is just so many options!


  1. Great tutorial, thanks! Pinned this to try myself sometime.

  2. Thanks for the tutorial. I love bias tape, it makes things just look prettier and more put together.

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  3. This is a great tutorial! I have always had trouble with this ;-) Thanks for your kind comment on my caterpillar picture!

  4. I'm in the middle of undertaking this project...however I find that I'm in the midst of making probably over 20 feet. It's quite tedious (I'm in the middle of ironing), but I look forward to the result.

  5. Wow that's great! 20 feet is a lot but it will be worth it when it's done!

  6. Thanks for the great tutorial. However I was a bit confused when you said to make a trapezoid. That's actually a parallelogram :)

    1. Thanks for catching that! I went in and fixed it :)

  7. When iron the seam and trim the excess threads and fabric, and then repeat until you have one long strip. Now it's time to avail" for more information.
