Ever since i had Hailey i hoped that someday we could live by a big museum just for kids. Well when we moved to Washington i got Really lucky! I CAN'T rave enough about this museum i love it! We live a short probably 5 minutes from the Imagine Children's Museum and it is the most awesome hands on children's museum EVER (at least in my opinion) It's huge and Hailey is just the right age and could spend hours in there!
(These are just a few of the highlights)
The music room was pretty awesome and Hailey loved the "giant" piano you walked on to play.
I know this one looks kind of boring but it was really neat, you touched the colors on this long table for different instruments sounds.
Another room had a lot of tables set up and each table had different tops on them - she eventually got the hang of how to spin them.
Next she became a little construction worker
Had fun playing in the Tree house
We moved on and she became a vet for a few short moments
I'm not sure but i think that's a cat or a raccoon she's got there
After that we moved onto the cafe
Where she made me an interesting meal
This room was pretty awesome they had a dark room and there was this big screen that recorded your movement,since it was dark that room also had walls that had glow pens so that you could write or draw on the wall and then it would disappear (I'm not really sure how that worked but it was pretty awesome!) Hailey really enjoyed all the "glow" rooms!
Another room was the "ferry" room that had a lot of water activities
Pretty nice setup!
Well sadly i hardly touched the surface on that museum there was so much more! I couldn't take pictures of everything but i hope that if we stay around this area to get a year pass,because for us it never gets old!
If you happen to live around this area you can check out a lot of what they have on there website:
http://www.imaginecm.org there is better pictures on there than what i could take!
Have Fun!