
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hi everyone! I just want to let you all know im going to be taking a short break from blogging for a couple weeks because we are in the middle of moving, my husband got a new job. Unfortunatily  this is our 3rd move in 1 year so you can imagine im thrilled about it. Hopefully this will be “the” job because I don’t think I can go through this again. Even through all the stress….well it actually hasn’t been as stressful as I imagined or at least it’s not to stressful yet…?  I’m so thankful that 2011 is almost over, we had so many great opportunities and wonderful things happen, but it was also a VERY stressful year, and  I’m hoping  that with the hubby’s new job we can have a fresh start and have things work out for us!
So don’t forget about me I WILL be back! ! Keep checking back once and awhile because once we get there I’ll hopefully be up and running again!

Talk to you all in a couple weeks!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Surprise Gift!

So are you ready for Christmas? Can you believe that its only 9 days away? For me it's sneaking up really quick!    

My husband has been a hard one to shop for this Christmas but i finally found something I know that he will LOVE!  I signed up to WIN him this awesome phone from at&t 

The only catch is the person with the most votes wins! If you'd like to help me out it only takes 2 seconds! (literally)  
Vote for J.Rosenau
Here's where to click!

Have Fun!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Candy

During our stay in Boise for thanksgiving, my Dad made this really good candy, it was so simple i just knew i would be making some when we got home!

Here's what i used:
Almond bark in chocolate and vanilla flavor - I've never used these before but I've only ever heard good things about them so i decided to give it a try and they tasted amazing!
You'll also need a candy cane

Also grab some plasic bags

And a tray, i happened to have this silicon pan with 24 squares :)

First we put the chocolates in separate bags - but we did NOT seal them

Then we took the one with chocolate in it and microwaved it for 1 minute and 30 seconds or until melted ( we also checked it at 1min.10 seconds)

Next we cut a small corner of the bag

Then we drizzled a layer just enough to cover the bottom of each square

Tapping the tray on the counter sure helped it to smooth out

Place in the freezer for only 5 minutes

It's set just enough

Then we went ahead and microwaved the white chocolate for the same amount of time as we did the chocolate one and then drizzled just enough to cover the chocolate layer

Couple taps of the tray on the counter evens it out all nice an pretty!

Crush up some candy cane

Then sprinkle it on top and place back into the freezer for another 5 minutes

After that it was time to pop em out i loved this silicon pan not a single one broke!

What a wonderful sight! Now enjoy!!

We actually ended up eating 1 and then we gave the rest as Holiday treats to our neighbors!

Have Fun!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The BEST Slow Cooker BBQ chicken

.......And when i say the best....seriously it is the best!! I snagged this recipe off my sisters fridge...I'm not sure where she got it...but she had never tried it - so thanks Allison if you read this you really should try this recipe i stole off your fridge its AMAZING!!
I prepared this  recipe in the morning so i could cook it on low, i just love having my home smell like yummy food throughout the day.  So after an afternoon of errands i come home and my house smells like it was a restaurant! I was so excited...and even more happy about how it turned out and that it tasted even better than i expected!

So i know your dying to try this recipe so here's what you'll need to make the best Slow Cooker Chicken ever!

6 frozen skinless,boneless chicken breast halves
1(12 oz) bottle barbecue sauce
1/2 cup Italian salad dressing
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce


1. Place chicken in slow cooker. In a bowl mix the barbecue sauce, Italian salad dressing, brown sugar  and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over the chicken.

2. Cover and cook 3-4 hours on High  OR 6-8 hours on Low.
(this makes about 6 servings)

Once it was done I ended up making rice, salad and beans and then i just layered everything on top of each other and it tasted amazing! As my husband would say "I'd pay for it!"

I didn't think to an exact picture of how it turned out...but this is pretty darn close! 

If you happen to try this recipe....i'd love to know how you liked it!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

DIY Christmas Ornament

So a couple weeks ago i went to my first tree festival and it was pretty awesome! There was one tree in particular that i loved the most and it had a vintage theme...i don't know why but lately i just love the vintage look! As i was looking at the tree for the second time i noticed these amazing ornaments and knew that i could remake them! Aren't they pretty cool?

So here is my version of the ornament, I've tried this ornament 2 times and failed,  i guess that the 3rd times the charm ;)

Here's What you'll need:
Scrape book paper
Something to make circles with - I used the bottom of a cup
Ribbon or thread 

First cut out some circles....about a million..well maybe not that many...
(sorry about the purple-ish color of some of these photos im not sure why they turned out that way)

Also cut out one the same size out of paper and draw a triangle on it.

Fold up the sides of the circle on the lines you just made for the triangle as pictured

This is going to be what you'll use to fold up the edges of all the circles.

So after you do that to the circles...i just did about 20 to start shouldn't need much more than that.

Next go ahead and glue 2 sides together

And continue to keep gluing here is mine a little over halfway through

Glue and glue and glue till you get to the point where you just have one more left to place, this is when you'll glue a piece of ribbon or thread on the inside flap for hanging it.

Go ahead and glue the last piece and wa-la! so pretty! I love using paper that has glitter or sparkles it just looks so much nicer, plus you don't have to decorate it!

Have Fun!

Obol Winner!

Congrats to my Obol winner Disney Mom! This is such a great bowl i know you'll love it!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mesh Christmas Tree

So while i was at my sisters house during Thanksgiving we did so much fun stuff!  Here is one of the crafts i got to help her with! Isn't this tree a cutie?  And it's the perfect size for the middle of her kitchen table - on the lazy Susan....i LOVE lazy Susan's especially on kitchen tables ;) 

So would you like to make one? Here's how we made hers!
These are the only 3 things you'll need (and decorations...if you want)

The Mesh Ribbon we used was 2 1/2" wide, if you've never used mesh ribbon, don't be afraid you can't mess up while using it -it's very forgiving!

This foam piece for the core of the tree

And Greening Pins.

What we did was so simple we unrolled the mesh ribbon a little at a time and then twisted it....

Here's a closer look at the twist..kind of looks like a ringlet...haha

After twisting just pin it with the greening pin, keep twisting and pining all the way around and work your way up...

Make sure to start out wider at the bottom and get more narrow as you reach the top.

And in the end you'll have the cutest little tree ever! I just love little Christmas trees!

Then go ahead and get to decorating the most fun part right?

And ta-da! Look how awesome that turned out!

Right now I'm wishing this was my kitchen table!

Have Fun!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Countdown Craft!!

Have you entered my GIVEAWAY yet? if not its not to late!!

Wow, what a busy week it has been! We went down to Boise to spend time with the Family for Thanksgiving and it was so much fun! Hailey had blast spending time with all her Aunts,Uncles and Grandparents, it was a much needed little vacation for our family!

Really quick i wanted to share one little idea - something my sister gave me and I'm just LOVING it!

Check out this AWESOME Holiday countdown! I actually didn't make it but it would be so simple to make!

This is the one she had displayed.....HOW CUTE is that?!

Like i mentioned these would be really easy to make, just get mini muffin tin make sure it has 24 spots or you could do one with 12

Cut out 24 squares out of scrapbook paper and decorated every one the way you want, these will go over every spot and then simply glue a magnet to the back!

  Fill it with whatever you want! Candy or even a nativity scene would be awesome!

And then the magnet sticks to the pan! 

I absolutely LOVE this idea!! 

To store the pieces I'm using a little tin.

 I love that this is something my daughter can use, and i know it will be used year after year!
 This definitely has made me excited for the Holidays!

Have Fun!